Financial Solutions

Step 1 - Establishing the Client-Provider Relationship
We start off by explaining our financial solutions and ascertain the specific services you may need. Then we go on to define both financial service provider’s and your responsibilities. It is every important to understand each other to avoid any conflicts of interest in the future. We are open to disclosing and explaining our remuneration structure in detail and encourage our prospective clients to free share their current financial situation and goals & dreams with us.

Step 2 - Collecting Client Data & Goals
At AAF, we helpyou define your personal and financial goals, understand your time frame for results and discuss, if relevant, how you feel about risk. We, as your financial solution expert gathers all the necessary documents and information required to completely understand your financial situation. Based on your profile and requirements, we give you a fee quotation for all kinds of services.

Step 3 - Analyzing the Client’s Financial Status
We analyze your information to assess your current situation and apply financial concepts towards meeting your goals. It all depends on what services you may have asked for, this could include analyzing your assets, liabilities, income, expenses, cash flow, current insurance coverage, salary structure, investments, tax strategies etc. Several financial service strategies are applied to analyze the various aspects of your personal finance.

Step 4 - Developing & Presenting Financial Recommendations
Based on analysis and application of financial concepts, we will recommend best strategies which will help you meet you goals and dreams. We present a comprehensive financial solution along with the recommendations and implementation action plan and goes through them along with you to help you understand them so that you make informed decisions. Our team will listen to your concerns and revises the recommendations as advised.

Step 5 - Implementing the Financial Recommendations
Planning without action is futile exercise. With the financial solution drafted by a professional, you are just a step away to execute your plan and start your journey to ‘Financial Freedom’. You and our financial service teamwould agree on how and when the recommendations will be carried out. We will guide you to implement the specific action points by suggesting financial products and coordinating the whole process with you and other professionals such as CAs, lawyers or stockbrokers.
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Don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime
B1/A4, Runwal Nagar B Plot HSG Society, Off Eastern Express Highway, Runwal Nagar, Kolbad, Thane (W) 400601 Maharashtra, India.
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